Motherhood is messy. It's emotional. It's a learning experience. It's a life-altering joy. And it's hard enough as it is for everyone raising a family, without the built-in audience that comes with a career in the public eye. For influencers and A-listers who share their lives with thousands on social media, comments from strangers are obviously par for the course, but when faceless names on the internet start attacking their choices when it comes to their children, one can't help but feel that a line has been crossed.

So, in an effort to fight back against the toxic trend of "mom-shaming" online, and reclaim the critics' use of the term "bad mother," cult-favorite skincare brand MUTHA, founded by Hope Smith, has launched a new #BADMUTHA campaign. Featuring a powerful roster of parents, including Hilaria Baldwin, Latham Thomas, Stacey Bendet, and Cassandra Grey, it aims to "change the narrative to a message of support and empowerment for mothers and all individuals who inspire us to break barriers in today’s society."

Check out the campaign, which will continue throughout the year, and click through for some real-life shaming stories, and how these bad(ass) moms have learned to rise above, empowering themselves and other mothers.

[Photos courtesy MUTHA]