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Interview: Manon DeFelice, Founder of Inkwell

https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-person-cute-young-2133/Other than the services Inkwell provides to executive-level working mothers, what other changes do we need to see socially and professionally in the US to keep skilled mothers in the workforce? First and foremost, we need flexible working conditions adopted as a corporate norm to ensure that working families have greater support during the entire lifetime of their child (or children) that goes beyond a two- to three-month maternity leave. This can be achieved by stepping away from the traditional “face time” office work model to provide a more long-term solution. It’s also important that these policies apply to both men AND women so that there is less of an expectation that the burden of childcare fall on the mother and not be equally balanced with the father. [Photo via Pexels]
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