In the past few days, it has come to the nation's attention that the Obama family's former personal chef, Sam Kass, will be leaving the Midwest to join them in the White House. The NYTimes gave a rundown of Kass' credentials, such as his work at the Chicago restaurant Avec, though what has been sorely neglected in all of this coverage, is a HELL YEA to the fact that Sam Kass is a TOTAL BABE.
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How has this impossible-to-ignore fact not gotten more press? Much has been made of the fact that our hip, attractive new president has appoint a hip, attractive cabinet to assist him along his political journey. Silver fox Rahm Emanuel? Impossibly pretty Melody Barnes? Cute, fratty Jon Favreau? Gawker even ran a poll entitled Pick Your Favorite Obama Hottie! He may not technically be a part of the cabinet persay, but we are re-casting our votes: Sam Kass is, hands down, our new favorite Obama hottie.