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Tofer Chin, "Totally"

Tofer Chin, "Totally"
Lu Magnus goes spelunking this Friday with their opening of "Totally," the first solo exhibition by L.A.-based artist Tofer Chin. In addition to psychedelic paintings that cite ‘80s skater culture and mathematical calculations as influences, Chin reveals a new sculpture installation: 23 White Stalactites protrude from the gallery’s back wall. Another wall is completely plastered in photographs of cement, completely transforming this pristine gallery into the image of a deconstructed work in progress. Exactly what art is supposed to do! Through March 25 at Lu Magnus, 55 Hester Street. Opening reception this Friday, January 27, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  For more information, go HERE. [Photo via]
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