"Best 2K I Ever Spent!" Koch Bros Inspire All Our Mix Tape Opuses

by SUSANNAH LONG · April 5, 2010

    The Koch Brothers of Day & Night threw a raucous brunch party at Miami lounge Vita to celebrate the World Music Conference. The splashy merrymaking taught us a lot about planning our own slate of songs to snag hearts by . . .-

    Go HERE for more pics by Steven B Ekerovich, and to tag photos of you and your friends!

    New York DJ Serebe Kironde spun and wiki-wiki'd  while Derek Koch and other NY Brunch regulars partied.  We have crushes on various MOMA docents/Murray's Cheese employees/Police horses, so we took inspiration from the event for our mix tape seduction maneuvers. Thanks, Koch Bros, for fleshing out our playlist!

    Theme to "There Will Be Blood."

    "We Are The Champions," Queen.

    As it happens, "The V is for Victory" (also known as the "Y in YMCA," or the "Inverted Scissor Kick," or the "Dirty Peacock" ) was a popular leitmotif, as was standing on tables. See:

    Some people didn't do it right, though.

    "Sunglasses at Night," Corey Hart

    "Misty Morning," Bob Marley/"Put Out the Fire," Queen

    "Drink With Me" from the Broadway Musical "Les Miserables."(All the French students toast each other, and then they go off and die in a revolution. It's relevant.)

    "Brown Eyed Girl," Van Morrison.

    "King of the Bongo," Manu Chao /"Just Dance," Lady Gaga

    "Single Ladies," Beyonce.

    "The Bromance Song," Ryan Conklin

    This is a tough one. We'll go with "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. There's no way in hell we're leaving that song off, and we do feel strong emotions for carafes.

    "I'm Too Sexy," Right Said Fred /"Blame It (On the Alcohol)" Jamie Foxx