"Best 2K I Ever Spent!" A Categorical List Of Partying Nuns

by SUSANNAH LONG · April 2, 2010

Party kids gathered at FatBaby to fĂȘte the opening of Travis Wayne's concept boutique CONVENT with DJ Michael Vincent Patrick and Beach Fossils. The revelers reminded us of our favorite nuns. And we have a lot of favorite nuns.-

Convent, on Stanton St. in the LES, opens today and sells pieces from the collections of Sally LaPointe, Shin, Costume Dept., and many more. The Mar Bar video installation at Fat Baby echoed the boutique's style aesthetic, as did the vodka bar, because vodka goes with everything.

And the partygoers? We weren't kidding when we said that we found them nunnish. They brought back sweet, sweet, communion-wine-flavored memories of our extensive childhood exposure to nun movies . . .

Any nun, when kissed by a gentlemen who is not Jesus Christ.

The nuns in Black Narcissus, who go crazy from the potent combination of Himalayan Alp air and repressed sexual desire.

The novice nun in Nunsense.

Sally Fields as The Flying Nun.

See? The Bangs are pretty close.

Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act, before she has to run away from her nightclub singer life.

The mousy nun in Sister Act, who is secretly an undercover music freak, and when she finally rocks out with her big voice, the audience is like "Wooooah this movie is aMAZing, Now I want to be a nun" and then all the nuns have to elude the bad guys, and the audience is like, "This is so exciting!"

He looks serious. Susan Sarandon in Dead Man Walking.

That Simpsons episode with nuns in it. (Lisa has to go undercover to find Baby Maggie. Naturally, nuns are involved.)

Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music.

Still Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music.

Holy crucifixes, everyone is Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music.

We got nothing. We ran out of nuns so quickly. Oh! Wait! The middle one is Amy Adams from Doubt.

The Mythical Mustachio'd Nun.

[All photos by NickyDigital]
