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The Early Bird Gets the (good) Dock Space

Location, location, location. Speaking of size and dockage, the early bird gets the dock space (or slips/slip assignments)…maybe. And here is where things get tricky. The first important step is to book your yacht charter early. You should have your yacht selected and under contract no later than January. The first round of dock space assignments begins in February so slip applications (yes, a multipage application must be submitted for review to be considered for a dock space *insert need to have an experienced yacht broker here*) must be completed by the beginning of February to be considered in this first assignment of dock spaces. In addition, you must be able to prove on your application how you are involved in the Festival, the dock master (Yes that’s a real job title and he is basically the boss who runs the dock), does not care that you are rich or famous. Money alone or just because you have a big name will not get you dockage. Cannes Yachts [Photos via Justin Jay]
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