Ever since the tense relations between Cuba and the U.S. have begun cooling off, the idyllic island in the Caribbean is all anyone can talk about. And while the less jet-set among us can always have a taste of Cuba right here in NYC, for the fashion world, nothing beats the real Havana. Which is why Karl Lagerfeld and his cohorts took to the city yesterday for the Chanel Resort 2017 show. Gisele Bündchen, Tilda Swinton, Vin Diesel, and flocks of models were welcomed by locals and a fleet of colorful, vintage convertibles at Havana’s Paseo de Prado, the open air location for the show. No one pays tribute to a place quite like Lagerfeld, and so Cuban-inspired ruffles, fedoras, and yes, even cigars took to the runway. The major move? Fidel Castro's grandson, Antonio Castro Ulloa, was one of the models. Now that's some serious Cuba.