Nightlife Media Celebrates "Seize the Night" by Seizing It

by HANNAH LAWRENCE · February 1, 2010

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Nightlife Media celebrated the upcoming release of its new book, "Seize the Night," by throwing a bash that was, quite literally,"according to the book."-

Go HERE for more photos by Marc Bushelle and tag yourself and your friends!

"Seize the Night" will explore the ways in which the business and culture aspects of the nightlife industry affect this great city of ours. Attendees were treated to an open bar (which the book probably devotes an entire chapter to) courtesy of Ketel One at the Happy Ending Lounge on Broome. But seeing as the liquor was a plenty, let's hope nothing completely unheard of went down so the book won't have to be re-written to address a topic or incident it didn't previously include. (That'd be annoying for somebody.)

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photos via Marc Bushelle
