The Tommy Hilfiger/Vogue/FSF Intern Social

by guestofaguest · June 23, 2010

Go HERE for more photos by Sunny Norton, and tag yourself and your friends!

Last night, Vogue, Tommy Hilfiger, and FSF held an "Intern Social" at the Tommy Hilfiger Flagship store. An "intern social", we gather, is basically like a playdate; it's what happens when the powers-that-be say to each other : "You know, we should get our interns together!!"--

These young hopefuls got to mingle with the fashionable elite and sip on fruity drinks all while nursing their last bit of sanity before embarking on a summer of interning.

Come Monday those interns will learn the downfall of running errands in 5 inch heels (not packing flats to change into- let the blisters ensue). They will learn to embrace the harsh criticism that will follow when they mess up everyone's Starbucks orders. And most importantly they will learn to make bitch work their way of life. Ah, yes, party now young interns, cause from now on you'll be working for the weekend.
