The Real Housewives Of New York Kick-Off Party, With Two New Housewives!

by Chiara Atik · February 25, 2010

Are you ready for some Housewives?! The Season kickoff party was last night at Tenjune, where we got to hang out with Bethenny Frankel, Ramona Singer, Alex McCord, and two NEW housewives. Presenting: Sonja Morgan and Jennifer Gilbert.-


Go HERE for more photos by Ben Rowland, and tag yourself and your friends!

LuAnn de Lesseps did not attend the party for mysterious reasons, Jill was sitting shiva for Bobby's mother (sad!), and Kelly Bensimon was, predictably, supposed to be there but nowhere to be seen. Ramona Singer seemed to be the life of the party as far as we could tell, happily flitting from one group to the next, talking up her new jewelry line. Bethenny Frankel was there and talked about her new reality show and how she's busy filming it. And of course, the first couple of New York Reality TV, Alex McCord (who is by all accounts of people who meet her, completely lovely) and Simon van Kempen, who should really get his own talkshow one of these days.

And as for the new girls? Well, here they are:

Meet Sonja Morgan:

We could tell you about Sonja Morgan. Or we could let Sonja tell you herself. This is taken directly from her website bio:

"Mrs Morgan counts her friends among royalty, fashion designers, celebrities, philanthropists, socialites and powerful bankers who follow her to whatever venture she attaches herself and wherever she goes around the world.... ....Mrs Morgan can enjoy life's greatest indulges -- in moderation, of course! Fine chocolate, wine, cheese, and sometimes just a down to earth good steak--she isn't called May West by the Countess Luann de lesseps for no good reason. She knows what she likes and she owns it with no apologies. She likes to have a good time and makes it her business to make sure everyone else does as well. She is the epitome of hostesses.

.....She's stately, savvy yet sexy but she's not just a socialite."

There's more, we just couldn't bear to scroll down. Also, we feel like we should point out, it's "Mae West". But anyway. She's gonna be fun, no?

Meet Jennifer Gilbert:

Jennifer GIlbert is "an upbeat Manhattan party planner", according to her wedding write up in the Times. Sadly, she doesn't have her own website where she waxes on about herself. We do know that she's been married for seven years, has three kids (they'll be the youngest tots of the New York Housewives Franchise, I imagine, along with Johan and Francois.) Her motto is "Why cook when you can cater?" We hope she and Sonja HATE each other.



