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Urban Outfitters

10. Urban Outfitters' faces controversy over "Jewish Star" t-shirt. It's been a while since we had an Urban Outfitters controversy. This "Kellog Tee" was produced by Wood Wood and until recently, displayed a 6 point "star" that closely resembles the Star of David. Brian SS Jensen, co-founder of Wood Wood, issued a statement saying, [Photo via]
"...when we received the prototype of this particular style we did recognize the resemblance, which is why we decided not to include the star patch on the final production T-shirt. I assume the image people have reacted to comes from Urban Outfitters´ web site. This must be a photograph of an early sample, which is of course an error."
Anyone else notice how Brian's middle initials are SS? Coincidence? I think not. [Fashionista]
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