"Best Guests Come Bearing Gifts" Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper

by Daniel Reynolds · April 23, 2012

    For those with good taste, "lettuce" introduce you to the Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper, an appetizing approach to packaging your next set of gifts.

    Hold the pickles! Friends will salivate over this 6-piece wrapping paper set, which includes 2 sheets of sesame bun, and crisp layers of lettuce, tomato, meat, and cheese.

    Want fries with that? Each mouthwatering 27" x 40" sheet looks good enough to eat in vivid, high resolution photography with a non-glare velvet finish.

    It may be cheesy, but at $20 (and zero calories!), this deal is a steal for any hamburglar. So take a bite, before these whoppers are all gobbled up.

    Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper, $20. For more information, go HERE.

    [Photos via]