From jeweled headbands and crystal loafers to monogram notebooks and clutch bags, you are a DIY guru! Have you always been so creatively nifty?

Yes! I've always loved making things. My most vivid childhood memories revolve around making things. I remember my aunt was a model, living here in New York City, and I would make chunky bangles for her and her friends. I'm not sure they actually wore them, but it was hugely flattering and encouraging to me! My best friend and I also had our own "line" of paper dolls and clothing that we would sell to my sisters (in an attempt to extort their allowance money - it worked!). It was called Elegance from England and we took it very seriously. As an adult, I got back in touch with my creative side as I was always seeing gorgeous pieces of jewelry that I couldn't afford. You can make a lot of things for a fraction of the cost!
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