Hamptons Cliche Of The Week: Enforced Quaintness

by Adam Bertrand · June 16, 2008

    CVS Southampton Painted WhiteA CVS in white shingles, Ralph's "in with the old" philosophy, the way even the Mac Daddiest of McMansions is built for future blossoming...this one's proof that cliches aren't all bad. Even rules that invite eye-rolls -like Southampton's mandate against cavorting down Main St. in one's new Shoshana bikini, certainly make for a pleasant, classy landscape. The only problem with bucolophilia is that it can make for misnomers. Surf Shack isn't any more of a board-filled hovel than Lily Pond is froggy heaven, and the Meadow Club is missing its namesake. Nitpicking aside, there's much to be said for preservation, so long as it's confined to land and landscape.