Mind Or Material? On Butter Lane It's Both

by Adam Bertrand · August 8, 2008

    edgewood goodies, don clothing

    Tonight Edgewood Goodies' Jake Patterson, Don Clothing's PJ Monte, and CreateBuildDestroy's Alex Hollender are throwing a one-night-only art show/hipster rager. The installation features work by a slew of New York's up-and-comers: Tyler Ben-Amotz, Jesse Zorski, Eli Jager, Richie Cox, Milton De La Cruz, Soheyla Ben-Amotz, James Katsipis, and Patterson himself. In addition to crazy art, Max Barbaria and Pico Ben-Amotz will be spinning, and Lieb Cellars is stocking the bar. Stop by 307 Butter lane between 5-10 for a little inspiration/embarrassment when you realize that none of these guys are over 25.