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Interview with Markus Schulz

What inspired the Global DJ Broadcast-World Tour 2012? I guess it was inspired by an urge to create a kind of round-the-world club experience, but packaged into a take-home mix-comp form. World Tour – Best Of 2012 has quite a cool, unusual engine. Every month on my Global DJ Broadcast radio show, we do the World Tour night. We take the recording equipment to a gig, turn the mics up and capture that live spirit of the night. We take our favorite tracks of the year and put them into a continuous mix. So, like, say on one track you’re going to be hearing people losing it in Ibiza. The next, a Miami crowd flavor. The next, Mexico City or wherever. It gives a listening experience unlike any other, and that’s what we’re all about. Club hopping on a global scale, as I like to say! Nothing is going to equal a live experience, of course. It doesn't matter what DJ you’re talking about. It’s about finding a way to bridge that gap, and this is how I went about it. How did you pick these tracks? It was about finding a representation of the year, musically. I spanned (ballpark) 150 gigs in 2012, so it was quite a mission. [Photo: Markus Schulz via, via]
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