Hugh Hefner may have revolutionized the, um, adult media industry with the launch of Playboy way back in 1953, but in the age of social media, when no one needs to pretend they're "reading the articles" anymore, the torch has been passed (spiritually, at least) to none other than Tim Stokely, the millionaire founder and CEO behind OnlyFans. 

While the platform wasn't necessarily created to become an NSFW hub, there's no denying its zeitgeist-shaping presence as a direct-to-consumer digital marketplace of 18+ content. Its links are ubiquitous online, its references in pop culture abound. In the midst of the pandemic, it became a source of income for over one million new content creators. But if you thought the site had reached its headline-making, pearl-clutching peak during quarantine, you probably weren't expecting this recent twist: OnlyFans. Banning. Sexual Content?

After they've put the site on the map and brought it in millions of dollars, it's no wonder users are pissed. As for the guy they're all mad at? He's living the good life.

(Update: OnlyFans has, unsurprisingly, reversed its decision.)