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Although Joe got to eat some sushi with some unnamed friends (does the fact that no other names were named in the press release mean that Joe's own bros weren't even there to bro up their bro on his bro-day?), this was clearly a work day for him. And sure, all of us with only partial access to our trust funds have had to go to work on our birthdays before, but when that ends, we all know that your birthday is the one day a year that you get to drink as much as you can out of happiness. Sure, you get an Embarrassingly Drunk Pass when a family member dies or after a breakup or whatever, but you're sad, and you'll invariably end up doing something you regret, Pass or not. On your birthday, people feed you shots like a teenager on spring break in Cabo and you get to enjoy it, embarrass the living shit out of yourself, and totally savor the moment. Well, you do. Joe Jonas didn't.
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