"Best 2K I Ever Spent!" Plaid Is The New Black

by Emily Green · August 10, 2010

Go HERE for more photos by LIZA MANDELUP and tag yourself and your friends!

Sunday night at Drai's drew many of the usual characters we've been seeing at Dim Mak's weekly Cannonball party.  Looks like they've gotten in the habit of fitting in one last weekend poolside fiesta before the Monday morning grind and another round of pool parties for every day of the week through September. But unlike previous weeks, we saw an unusual profusion of plaid at Sunday's party. The pattern, which seems to know no bounds or limitations, proved it can be worn by just about anyone...

Over G.I. Joe shirts by freak dance revivalists. (this shirt makes us think, "a nod to the crispy Seattle weather, or are you just trying to stay warm in front of the refrigerator?")

By friends of dudes who rock side ponytails.

From button downs to sundresses in black & white gingham patterns of varying sizes.

Under cardigans for the preppy type...

Or by itself for the mustachioed hipster...

Or in the form of a cardigan for the fashion-forward.

An alternative to a jacket for those looking to achieve a '90s Silver Lake sailor look.

Oh, and chicks totally dig it.
