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Clippers Fan:Jon Voight
I'm sorry, but if Jon freaking Voight wants to vouch for the Clip Show, I take that as a good start. Even setting aside his stellar work in some of the greatest movies of all time, like Deliverance, Midnight Cowboy and most importantly Anaconda, we're also talking about the guy that spawned Angelina Jolie and once sat next to my friend's grandmother on a plane (actually, it was Christopher Walken, but she thought it was Jon Voight), so, y'know, a life in full. I'm just saying his opinions matter (except his political opinions, he's a batshit right-winger), and if he's throwing his support behind the Clippers, perhaps that says something. Also, I can neither confirm nor deny that's Al Pacino in that wig and facepaint next to Voight. After Jack & Jill, I wouldn't want to be recognized at basketball games either. [via]
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