RIP Macho Man Randy Savage

by Alex Gilman · May 20, 2011

    Somebody should probably check Hulk Hogan's apartment, because if he's still alive, he may have just won the King Of The Ring by default. I hope you didn't have to hear it from me, but Macho Man Randy Savage died earlier today, reportedly suffering a heart attack while driving in Florida.

    Aside from yet again reinforcing the always true point that Florida is a horrible wasteland where nothing good happens, this is extremely saddening news.

    Macho Man was never my favorite wrestler, but he was one of the absolute biggest, brightest stars of the last era where wresting was at all fun or worthwhile or culturally relevant. Even if you never liked wrestling and always found it ridiculous (and it always was), at least the larger-than-life, totally committed performers like Hulk, Macho Man and the Ultimate Warrior elevated the whole thing to a level of grand spectacle, enchanted several generations of kids (boys, at least: I'm guessing from my female co-worker's non-reaction that the WWF didn't play a huge part in their childhoods), and, despite the steroid era irony, probably inspired those same kids to be interested in their physical fitness (as well as proper elbow-drop technique). If it weren't for Macho Man and his contemporaries, I would have never fallen off the trampoline trying to clothesline Hunter McDonald in 4th grade, which gave me one of the coolest scars I have. [Photo via]

    Plus, any guy that got paid to dress like this is outright freaking awesome:

    [top photo via, photo via:]