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"You're going to tell your grandkids about this."

leonardo dicaprio, kelly rohrbachHowever, that healthy line of confidence can be crossed.  During a Date Coaching session, one of our almost-famous Bachelorettes revealed that she was seeing another celebrity and went home with him one night to his stunning mansion in the Hollywood Hills.  As they were overlooking his breathtaking view of Los Angeles, things started to get a little steamy. In the midst of sharing a passionate kiss, he prodded her to go further by saying, "You're going to tell your grandkids about this."  He was totally serious, with no hint of sarcasm.  A rising starlet in her own right, our Bachelorette stepped back and couldn't believe that he would pull that card with her.  Granted, there was a giant billboard of him on Santa Monica Boulevard, and he was trending on Twitter that whole week, but she was completely turned off.  We call it SRS: Sudden Repulsion Syndrome.  All he got was cuddle time that night. [Photo via @rusdatus]
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