The annual mass acid trip festival of radical self expression known as Burning Man once again congregated in the middle of Nevada's Black Rock Desert last week and through the weekend. For those of us who have never been, understanding what the hell Burning Man is and what happens there has proven quite difficult since no Burner has ever been able to provide a coherent explanation for the uninitiated. We may never get a good answer or understanding, but we, at the very least, can try to get some sense of it through photos documenting the desert retreat until we get there.

From the signs and larger than life art installations to the costumes, nudity and rampant shirtcocking, here's a look at this year's Burning Man from all across the dusty playa.

[Top photos via @jessegolden and @pattyyuniverse, bottom photos via via @zackerylee, @jeremylife, and @nosleepxnightmare]