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Bella Thorne In honor of this year's 'Teens for Jeans,' DoSomething.org and Aéropostale teamed up with campaign spokesperson Chloe Moretz for an official launch party at West Hollywood's Palihouse. Along with the Kick-Ass star, other young sensations and notables who stepped out included Bella Thorne, Jillian Rose Reed, Paul McDonald, Nikki Deloach, Boo Boo Stewart and the boys from IM5. Now in its sixth year, 'Teens For Jeans' is an annual month-long initiative that encourages young adults to donate gently worn dungarees for teens at homeless youth shelters in need of some new duds. From January 14th through February 10th, you can contribute to the cause by dropping off your unwanted jeans at any Aéropostale or P.S. from Aéropostale store location. Go HERE for more info on 'Teens for Jeans' and keep clicking through the slideshow for more photos from the night!
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