Inside The Amanda Shi Spring 2015 Collection Preview

On Thursday, October 9th, Amanda Shi launched her collection for Spring 2015 at a private event held at the American Rag store in Los Angeles. Red carpets led to tables of mannequins showcasing each piece from the collection. A live model was staged in the store window with the backdrop mixing vintage detail into the modern environment.

The exclusive crowd listened to DJ Alicia Bernal's beats nibbled on bites from Cafe Midi and sipped Nicolas Fouillet champagne, Macon-Vinnzelles wine and Hint Water while mingling about the private preview of the black and white vintage inspired collection.

The guest list was comprised of the designer Amanda Shi-Werts and her husband American Rag Founder, Mark Werts, who hosted the party which brought out tops stylists, editors and fashionistas. At the end of the night, no one left empty handed, rather; every guest departed with a one-of-a-kind black and white vintage scarf which was one of the original pieces that inspired the collection, Zeische Apothecary and leather wrist wraps from Belgium company Royal Rebupliq.

Go HERE for more photos by Tiffany Chien and tag yourself and your friends!