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Since relocating to Beachwood Canyon from New York City, Moby has become fascinated with Hollywood and its magnetic effect on those seeking reinvention, as well as its hidden and not so hidden history of fostering cults. Playing on these ideas, the photo series features ghostly subjects in white robes and animal masks set within everyday scenes around L.A. Ominous, eerie and fantastic, the moody colors, harsh lighting and beautiful scenery—blue skies, swimming pools, mountains, forestry—as well as mundane urban settings like supermarkets and tunnels, create a striking visual contrast as his masked Innocents seek to make sense of this post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. Lisa Edelstein, Balthazar Getty, Brandon Boyd, and Ben Lee were among the select group who got a first glimpse into Moby's world at last night's VIP reception, but Innocents is now open to the public at Project Gallery so make sure to check it out while it's on view through March 30th. In the meantime, click through the slideshow for a look inside last night's reception with Moby.
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