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Michael Yo

Michael YoAs the host of this event, how did you get involved with Lupus LA? My friend’s sister has lupus and he is my mentor in standup comedy, his name is Jo Koy, he says ‘Hey we're going to do this event for lupus’, I said ‘yeah yeah yeah that’s great…’ I had no idea what lupus was. I had to go home and Google it, I found out about it and found out that not a lot of people know about it. It is one of the major diseases that doesn’t get a lot of attention so I was like I gotta fix this, I gotta help out and then literally six months later they called and said ‘Can you host this event’ and I said ‘HEY! I know what it is! And yes I will help out!’ Tonight is a night of superheroes, who is your superhero? My mom. My mom is my rock, She keeps it real, she tells my dad what to do now, so that’s just how it goes. A fictional superhero would be Superman, you are too young for this but when I was young they had the underoos, and as a little kid I used to dress up in the Superman underoos and I thought I was Superman. I would jump off my bed, hit the ground, and be like wow I can’t fly.
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