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3. Tim Tebow
Let me say right off the bat that I don't hate Tim Tebow.  But I hope that every hack sportswriter looking to fill 20 inches of column-space with another dashed off, unnecessary love letter to him drinks a quart of Drano instead. Let's get this out of the way quickly: Tim Tebow is not an underdog. He is a Heisman Trophy winner and one of the all-time greatest QB's in the history of a big-time university. He also makes the grandest public spectacle of his own prayer sessions (and purported virginity) this side of Ted Haggard. But somehow the debate over whether we're even allowed to discuss the thing that he does on camera, on purpose, every Sunday has eclipsed what might otherwise be a fun little run by an overachieving team with a good defense. And by the way, where were all these finger-wagging faith defenders when Red Sox outfielder "Jurassic" Carl Everett was being mocked for saying in Sports Illustrated that his Biblical faith meant that he didn't believe in dinosaurs? Tim Tebow spent his childhood summers circumcising heathen children in the Philippines with his parents. Do you really think he believes in dinosaurs? If you don't think the broad idiocy of all this Tebow talk has become too much to bear, consider this: last week, Rick Perry said on television that he intends to be the "Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses." I think we can all agree that this is as good a sign as any that we ought to give it a rest for a while. [via] -Alex
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