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Slide #7

7. Dubstep
Before you get all riled up, I'm just going to tell you you're right. Yes, dubstep, has been around for many years. But it wasn't until this year that I was forced to care one way or another about it since it blew up and everyone decided wobble bass should be commonplace.  So I guess my beef is not with dubstep itself, although I do find it mostly pretty brutal, but with how prevalent it has become in both the music and nightlife scene. By all means, let the kids who crave dirty beats have them. But there is a time and a place for that shit and it's wherever the EC Twins are and it's sure as hell not in a Britney Spears song. Call me old fashioned, but like my auto-tuned pop garbage without the addition of extra womp womp. And I'm not saying it's some act of blasphemy to mess with artistic majesty of "Till The Worlds Ends," but can't we just leave it alone and let it serve its intended purpose in music? The dubstep train has also been responsible for absolutely butchering musically virtuous songs as well, like this really effed up version of "Pumped Up Kicks"; listen to it and tell me it didn't make a little sad. Let's stop trying to put dubstep where it doesn't belong and using it in highly inappropriate places in attempts to regain relevance. Do you hear me, Korn? The absurdity of that last album with Skrillex cameos was not lost on us. -Emily
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