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3. Scrabble
Stuck in the house with nothing to do? I can only handle so many back-to-back episodes of "Judge Judy" (my Grandma Eileen loves her) at maximum volume before I need to start spoon-feeding my mother Xanax. We all have our buttons and this particular scenario happens to be one of hers; you know it's in full effect when she starts mumbling offensive things to herself that get increasingly louder at each commercial break. So to prevent ending up on the next episode of "COPS," suggesting a game of Scrabble (and Xanax) is a wonderful way to pass the time. As long as all parties are semi-literate, it's an activity in which anyone can participate and requires no special knowledge or interests. I happen to enjoy Scrabble, plus the games take up a lot of time, but you can switch it out for whatever boardgames tickle your fancy. [Photo via]
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