As if you need any persuasion to indulge in all the delicious food Southern California has to offer, the answer to a food-lover's prayer, otherwise known as dineLA's Restaurant Week (which is actually 12 days), has crept up on us again. Starting Monday, January 21 - February 1, the event offers prix-fixe meals from many of the finest dining establishments in the area with menu items carefully selected to best showcase the restaurants' cuisines at a set price that happens to be much more wallet-friendly than what it would usually cost. With over 250 participating restaurants, we understand that the selection process can be a bit overwhelming, so we've narrowed down the list to 20 restaurants to hit during dineLA in various locations and cuisine categories for your dining pleasure. Warning: if you're not hungry yet, your stomach just might be doing back flips by the time you're through with this guide.