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Slide #11

The Rules
Presented by the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board and American Express, dineLA's Restaurant Week is in full swing and runs through Friday, January 31st. The event invites restaurants to offer fix-priced menus for lunches and dinners (generally but not always with a few options per course) at one of three or four tiered prices. For lunch, those prices come out to $15, $20, or $25, whereas for dinner, the price is $25, $35, $45 or $85. Alcohol and tax are not included, so be sure to budget for that. And it probably pays to make a reservation, which you can do through the dineLA Restaurant Week website or by contacting the restaurant directly. You can take advantage of the Restaurant Week menu as a walk-in, but this is L.A. and there are many hungry Angelenos who will be out in force to take part in these awesome dining deals so there's no guarantee you'll get a table. Are we stirring your appetite? Good. Enough with the rules; let's get down to the dineLA participating restaurants we love and think you will, too... [Photo via Facebook]
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