Soho House LA Opening Has Us Wondering About Crowd Control

by SARAH MANDATO · March 12, 2010

    @aliwise so much fun at the soho house in LA. the view is #sick about 5 hours ago via web

    So Ali, how's the crowd?

    It's openly known that NYC's Soho House has been undergoing a purge of suits and suit-types in favor of an artsy, downtown crowd in order to preserve the original mystique. Given this curating of those coming and going through those Meatpacking doors, we can't help but wonder what the coastal transplant will draw as far as crowd goes.

    After much push and pull with regard to an opening date, Soho House West Hollywood finally got its sh-t together in time for Oscar weekend. It's now in full swing: with multiple levels boasting a reading room, smoking deck, pond, bookshelves galore and much more; it's evident that the delayed debut was worth the wait.

    Here are some of the first action shots, and we are getting many reports that the right type of peeps are sprawling across the deliciously cushioned seats and bellying up to the 30 foot club bar. Will the LA crowd mean a different scene, providing not so much a reproduction but a left coast interpretation of the Concrete Playground staple? With more moves in the making, we're interested to see whether the preservation of the original je ne sais quoi can survive the franchise thang. We're sending our LA team to scope things out and we'll report back, but let's place bets, now...

    [Photos via Soho House]