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Premiere Of Vertical Entertainment's Scenic Route & After Party
Kevin Goetz, Josh Duhamel, Dan Fogler, Michael Goetz, Brion Hambel, Luke Rivett Where: Chinese 6 Theater & Roosevelt Hotel Who Was There: Josh Duhamel, Fergie, Michael Goetz, Dan Fogler, Kevin Goetz, Brion Hambel, Luke Rivett, John C. McGinley, Nichole McGinley, Hope Norris, Collen Goetz, Miracle Laurie, Luke Rivett, Jeff Beacher, Mitch Budin, Christopher May, Rich Goldberg. Miracle Laurie, Christopher May, Kevin Goetz, Michael Goetz Josh Duhamel, Fergie Rich Goldberg, Mitch Budin [Photos via, via]
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