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Slide #6

Warby Parker Opens First West Coast Store At The Standard, Hollywood
Where: The Standard Hollywood Who Was There: Sophie Auster, Jeremy Allen White, Addison Timlin, Cory Kennedy-Levin, Jon Abrahams, Spike Jonze, Zoe Cassavetes, Andy Hunt, Neil Blumenthal, Joey Jalleo, Emma Greenwell, Chrissie Miller, Georgia Ford, DJ Ako, DJ Atiba, Nate Lowman, Geoff McFetridge, Sid Khosla, Addison Timlin, Christian George, Dave Gilboa, Cillie Barnes, DV Devincent. Neil Blumenthal, Sophie Auster, Dave Gilboa Emma Greenwell, Jeremy Allen White Geoff McFetridge, DJ Ako, DV Devincent [Photos via]
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