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Thai Town Man Floods His Own Grow House
It's easy sometimes to think that the medicinal marijuana laws (and general decriminalization of personal use) means that weed is actually straight-up legal, so let me give you a brief primer on the legal nuances of today's California pot laws. Possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana for personal use (as opposed to prescribed medication) is a misdemeanor, which means you will most likely get a $100 fine. This is not a big deal, I think we can all agree. However—and here's the part where you might want to pay attention—turning your entire apartment into a giant hydroponic grow operation? Yeah, that's still frowned upon, as some dipshit in Thai Town learned yesterday when he was arrested. How'd he get caught, you ask? It seems that Dr. Greenthumb here decided to MacGyver his apartment building's sprinkler system to water his little buddies. What he did not know, but you might, is that sprinkler systems are monitored by the Fire Department, so when he tried to rip a bunch of wires out of the system, it not only flooded his apartment, but it also alerted the firemen, who in turn called the cops. Is there a moral to this story? If you haven't guessed it yet, I don't want to ruin the surprise for you. [via]
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