You Should Know: Russell Steinberg

by Christie Grimm · March 16, 2016

Actor and performance artist Russell Steinberg is best known for his horny Vegas Vaudevillian character “Johnny Fayva,” who to the delight of every audience strips to his skivvies at the end of every show. Russell has rocked out all over LA with the likes of guitar Gods Slash and Dave Navarro and sung duets with starlets Zoe Deschanel and Rasheeda Jones. Most recently, Russell MC-ed NSFW shows at The Box in New York and London and The Act in Dubai.

Name: Russell Steinberg
Occupation: Actor / Performance Artist
Place of birth: Tarrytown, NY
Instagram / Twitter: @RustyKnob
Zodiac Sign: Sag

What do you actually do all day? Jiu Jitsu / Hike / Audition / Garden

Favorite song growing up? Allan Sherman “My Son, The Folk Singer”

My biggest secret is… I’m old

Why do you live in Los Angeles? At first I was just following my Baby Mama. Then I fell in love.

My motto is… Is this a terrible idea?

My alter ego is… Johnny Fayva

The last drink I had was… Champagne at Vanity Fair Oscar Party (I crashed)

My secret crush is… Martha Stewart (on her sheets)

What was your first job? Milk commercial (I played the bully). Milk, it does the body good!

If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? Pack

Coming from? Going to? NY - London (To perform/MC at The Box)

What is your favorite work of art? Not a fan

Who should we know? Christopher Wonder
