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Who To Follow

iPhonesStay in-the-know with this weekend's shows by following these social media accounts. Even if you're lucky enough to be in South Beach this weekend, you can't be everywhere at once, so let these Instagram and Twitter handles help you stay updated. Twitter: #MBFW: @MBfashionweek Emilie Sobel: @emiliesobel Miami Fashion & Trends: @MiamiFashTrends Instagram: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week: @mbfashionweek Miami Swim Fashion Week: @miamiswimfw Andrea Stickel: @dreaciara Tom Farrelly: @thomaspeterfr Agnes Fischer: @agichristine Bettina Banks: @msbbanks Sergio Acevedo: @flowgio Ivana Korab: @ivanacorab [Photo via @melissastetten]
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