"Best 2K I Ever Spent!" Acapulco Spring Break 2010 With The Devil

by SUSANNAH LONG · March 26, 2010

Whooo! SPRING BREAK! Young tanned people celebrated SPRING BREAK in Acapulco this year, splashing in chlorinated water and dancing at the Palladium and Mandara for Dance With The Devil. SPRING BREAK FTW!-

The annual Dance With The Devil was packed with strobe lights, booze, aerial dancers, acrobats, and tipsy grinding. The Devil guy was there! He appeared at 3 am to dance, swirl fire around, and bring up ladies for aforementioned dancing/fire-swirling. Who is this silver-smeared knight in feathered and skimpy armor? An American DJ named Benji, that's who. Check out an interview with him here.

Whoever he is, he sure knows how to keep his mouth open.

He has his own song written by a Danish techno group!\

Water fun under the blue, blue Mexican sky was also in order . . .

The requisite wet tee contest. Stay classy, Acapulco.

"I shall back-hug her so that she cannot flee to the wet tee contest, which is what all women yearn for."

"Omg, you know what would make this better? A wet T-Shirt contest!" "You're so smart Becky!!!"

[All photos via Facebook]
