by MIKEL MCCOY · May 23, 2008

     Though the weather Gods have done their best to make us not believe it, the unofficial start of the summer season that is the Memorial Day weekend is basically here. Though days and nights of rain, and chillier than should be May temperatures have been the norm for at least the last week or so, its time to bring out the white shoes and pants, clean up the grill and love Summer time festivities all over again.

    Since so much will be happening here in the city and over on Strong Island (AKA The Hamptons) the time to really start thinking about where and how to bring the Summer time heat in, is now. For me no better way to welcome everybody's favorite season of sun, fun, random hookups and lingering daylight hours is going to be on the roof top of GOFG photographer, Porter Hovey and her sartorially sound sister Hollister Hovey for their RAJ on the ROOF party. With promises of a celebration of linen, badminton chutney, gin, a call to wear safari attire like pith helmets and a secret live performance, expectations are pretty high. Plus the fact that these ladies are born hostesses and their parties NEVER EVER disappoint. Its going to be a most welcome doorway to the Summer.