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Jenna reached 6-foot by the time she was 12 and used her height to her advantage while working at J.Crew. She designed different inseams to fit women all shapes and sizes because the average J.Crew inseam didn't work for women her height. [Photos via, via] One of the reasons she fell in love with New York City is because tall woman weren't afraid to enhance their height with some heels. Jenna doesn't let her height discourage her from wearing heels. In fact, it's the opposite- she only wears high heels. Even if it made her taller than her soon to be ex... She was quoted in the J.Crew Aficionada blog stating,
"I'm in heels 90 percent of the time- I wear them with sweatpants. Being tall is fun, and there's something nice about not only being tall but then making yourself appear even taller."
[Photo via]
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