Last evening, a flock of New York's most stylish young advocates gathered at the High Line Nine galleries to spread awareness on a pressing subject of much import.

Even as progressive a place as New York still has much progress to make. One such example? The state's Voluntary Intoxication Loophole

Shocked by the legal system's current structure, which fails to protect victims of sexual violence in the event that they voluntarily drank alcohol or took any other substances at the time of their assault, Cura Collective hosted an informative evening to promote legislative efforts to end this archaic loophole and raise funds to support victims of sexual assault.

"The Voluntary Intoxication Loophole is nothing more than legalized victim-blaming," shared speaker Naa-Djama Attoh-Okine, Assistant Research Scientist at Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and New York State Psychiatric Institute. "Survivors who choose to report are already fighting an uphill battle. All too often, they are re-traumatized by the forensic exams and frequent questioning. Their inability to consent should be the only thing that's considered when prosecuting sex crimes."

Sign Cura Collective's petition today and join in the fight to end the intoxication of a rape victim as a valid legal defense!

Care to see inside the event? 

Click through for an inside look at the artsy scene - which featured works on display by Thorbjørn Bechmann, Maja Dlugolecki, and Kenny Nguyen and drinks by Macchu Pisco, Le Grand Courtage, pür•spirits, and Frederick Wildman and Sons.

[Photos by BFA / Rupert Ramsay]