Not even yesterday's rain couldn't keep NYC's most stylish from stepping out to celebrate cult favorite jeweler Marlo Laz's exciting new launch with Saks.

Hosted by designer Jesse Marlo Lazowski and VP, Saks Limitless Mariel Sholem, the gaggle of It Girls and tastemakers, including Casey Fremont Crowe, Grace Fuller and Alexandra Michler Kopelman, settled in for a beautiful dinner at L’Avenue at Saks. I mean, any night that starts with Golden Osetra Caviar served in custom tins and ends with s’mores is a great success in our book. 

Ever the generous host, Jesse gifted each guest a handmade Murano glass candle in Marlo Laz's signature Stella Mare scent, a chic new offering of the brand's recently debuted home capsule.

Curious to see who wore what to the intimate soiree?

Click through for an inside look!

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