New York's style set flocked to Nordstrom this week to fête the launch of Marina Larroudé's new spring collection.

Guests sipped on champagne and fawned over the colorful spread of cult favorite footwear must-haves, now available to shop on Nordstrom's Lower Level shoe department.

To follow, the fashionable crowd enjoyed an intimate, flower-filled dinner at Wolf. 

As Marina shared in her toast, it was 6:30PM on December 23rd when she got a call from Nordstrom confirming their order - the best holiday gift a fashion founder could ever receive! After a quick celebratory cry, the entrepreneur quickly got to work, spending Christmas Eve fulfilling the order.

A season later, and Larroudé's not only available online and in Nordstrom's NYC flagship, but in nine select Nordstrom stores across the country.

Curious to see inside the festive affair?

[Photos by Monica Schipper & Trent Bates / Getty]