Glamour Magazine held its "2011 Women of the Year" awards, a star-filled event that celebrated a vibrant year of woman power, and honored some of today’s most inspirational female public figures. And the stage wasn’t the only thing gleaming that night: dressed to the nines with stilettos and slits up-to-there, these women made a bold statement through style.

The evening wasn’t without a plethora of gorgeous accessories and gowns, and despite some apparent fashion mishaps (Chelsea Handler, we’ll give your ill-fitted one piece a pass since we hear you’re growing through a breakup, but the world certainly could have lived without seeing Gloria Steinem’s cameltoe), the extravagance in the room did a good job of overshadowing the ugly.

From form-fitting to flowing, to just plain fabulous, here are some of the best looks from Glamour's girls night out.

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