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The Maddening Crowds

The Maddening Crowds: They may drive you mad, but they are the best looking crowds you will ever find. And that's something to be celebrated. Millions of people got made up and done up for the sole purpose of becoming part of a crowd of other people that did the same thing. For what? To stare at each other and comment on everyone else. Ultimately, and moreover, anthropologically, I like to assume that the giant purpose to it all was one big actualization process for humankind, but that's probably pushing it. FNO Crowds [Photo via @id_magazine] FNO Crowds, nyc [Photo via @joeypedras] FNO Crowds NYC [Bananas! Photo via @lymarih] FNO Crowds NYC [Photo via @rebeccaprus] [Inside the Ferragamo store, via @soraya]
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