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The Candy Cab

The Candy Cab
The next time you want to hail a cab, consider flagging down the Candy Cab. The taxi, run by Mansoor Khalid, uses their Twitter and Instagram account to promote the transportation/candy services. Once you're inside, the driver will flick on the lights and music, and provide you with a fist full of candy. Offering this sweet ride does not come cheap for Mr. Khalid. The average cost to fill the car with candy is $300 a month, which does not even account for the lights and music! Naturally, you would wonder why he continues to do this then. Khalid works tirelessly because he believes it just takes one act of kindness, or in his case, sweetness, to turn someone's day around. His generosity was sparked in 2010, when his son was born with a congenital heart defect and was hospitalized for his short life. While his son was there, Mr. Khalid became known as the "coffee man," as he brought coffee and sweets to the doctors and nurses on call, night after night. Now that his son has passed, that spirit continues through the Candy Cab.
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