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Cheese Is An Expression Of Your Personality

Millennials tend to like cheeses that go better with a glass of healthy red wine, or as a post SoulCycle snack. French cheeses are always a win, too. Some of our fancy faves are:

Washed - Rind: Pont L'Eveque. This cheese is buttery and savory, and perfect with wine.

Hard Cheese: Mimolette. This one is nutty with hints of butterscotch, similar to Gouda. Since Gouda sounds like a word from the 1950s, we prefer to say Mimolette. It just sounds better.

Blue: Roquefort. For those who order blue cheese on their salad at Sweetgreen, this cheese is for you. It's up to you whether you want to eat this on its own, or with a piece of crispy baguette. Bread.Is.Life. 

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