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We've said this before, and we'll say it again: you can't go wrong with alcohol. However, when giving a holiday gift avoid the typical names in favor of something new. Corzo tequila or Illegal Mezcal are good choices if he's a tequila drinker. Absolut Elyx is a high quality vodka with a beautiful bottle design. Whiskey drinkers might like to try White Pike, a white whiskey, but traditionalists will like Redbreast 12, a favorite in our office (for this writer, at least). For a left field choice try Pavan Liqueur, which has made the rounds at a bunch of chic parties we attended this year, so we can give it a thumbs up. Purchase at your local liquor stores Corzo Tequila, $52 Illegal Mezcal, $46 Absolut Elyx, $50 White Pike, $30 Redbreast 12, $65 Pavan, $32 Corzo TequilaAbsolut Elyx Illegal Mezcal PavanWhite Pike Whiskey Redbreast 12 [Photo via, via, via, via, via via]
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